Monday, May 09, 2005

Manage manage manage

"Manage", what is it? What does it mean? What does it represent?

I've been learning a whole new dimension to this world. Nothing otherworldly or anything of that sort ;-) Have been so very busy for .. err.. a month I think. *scratch scratch head* hehe, I do not know how long, just know that I've been very unaware. Three things to do, solve bug for customer, build new software for customer, mentor a new person. Sounds so simple eh, and so easy, buuuutttt I realised the impact of the number THREE. It is not as simple as it sounds. Like most things in life, there is fine print to it.

Mentoring someone is a big big planning job. No planning, no mentoring. Bad planning, bad mentoring. =( Was so bogged down and occupied with being unhappy and irritable and stressed out by item number one, I totally left item number two and item number three alone. Ultimately, that most certainly is a bad bad thing. Especially item number three. When you are new to a place and you are supposed to be mentored by a specific person, and your supposed 'mentor' just can't keep up with him/herself even, you really feel so cut off, adrift in the raging storm. Anyhow, finally the boss decided to pass guidance to my senior. Good move, though I feel really bad, underperforming like that.

Item number two have been almost a month delayed by now. The piece of software was supposed to have passed acceptance test a few days ago, but as of now, is still very much under development. You know how some websites have this icon that shows it's under construction? Well, my current progress is more akin to the icon which shows the icon which shows the website is under construction is itself under construction =p

My motivation and energy level have been so very low for such a long long time, recently I rediscovered myself. That was a real relieve. Now, even though the THREE things are still there awaiting resolution, however I am looking at things differently, in a more positive light. This most certainly has affected my ability to do things. I feel more energetic and more able to work properly and for longer hours. I totally do not mind working more since I have been so inefficient.

My senior mentioned to me that from research, a typical programmer only have around 1/3 days of the month in which he/she is one hundred percent effective. I disagree greatly with that, of course did not say that out. =p If say out loud and then unable to prove it, that would be really bad, especially since there have been many times when I did say things out and unable to do it. You know, this technique of vocalizing our goals and objectives, doesn't really work. Trust me on that. ;-)

Got to go work now. Signing off,
The Newbie Developer.
(previously known as The Pro Programmer)


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