Head Under Heels
Not the usual kind, rather it's the straightforwardly direct kind. My head is all the way down to my heels. Have quite a lot on my mind, sometimes get lost when just started. Well, still learning learning learning, what more can I do?
The book 'Coder to Developer' is quite good. Helps by providing some relieve from the mundanity of life (=p if there is such a word). The other day, I went to this LB product preview thingy and it was quite good. The organization sure knows how to get people interested and they were pretty good at building up atmosphere. There were almost 3000 people attending (obviously there are some who are their own people, and not so obviously I have no idea what is the percentage of noobs) and it was very encouraging. However after proper discouragement from my buddy, I was able to climb back down from the 'high' feeling which was rather addictive. ;-) hey man, I meant that in a good way).
Well, having all this really helps in quite some way, of course, it goes without saying having great and encouraging colleagues also helps a long way towards alleviating stress and tension. (hehe, the singularly first person who commented here, make it soooooo very obvious who I'm referring too).
Back to work for me!! Tons more to do and nanotime left.
The book 'Coder to Developer' is quite good. Helps by providing some relieve from the mundanity of life (=p if there is such a word). The other day, I went to this LB product preview thingy and it was quite good. The organization sure knows how to get people interested and they were pretty good at building up atmosphere. There were almost 3000 people attending (obviously there are some who are their own people, and not so obviously I have no idea what is the percentage of noobs) and it was very encouraging. However after proper discouragement from my buddy, I was able to climb back down from the 'high' feeling which was rather addictive. ;-) hey man, I meant that in a good way).
Well, having all this really helps in quite some way, of course, it goes without saying having great and encouraging colleagues also helps a long way towards alleviating stress and tension. (hehe, the singularly first person who commented here, make it soooooo very obvious who I'm referring too).
Back to work for me!! Tons more to do and nanotime left.
Be still and see your target.
Be like an eagle and soar above the storm
Sok Chuan: Try that in CS and you'll get a headshot :)
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