Saturday, June 11, 2005

Just Another Saturday

The exact word to describe now is ... nothing. Weird, not happy, not sad, not tired, not energetic, not glad, not upset, not up, not down. =p Just another Saturday passing by on it's journey to next week.

Just came back a while ago, wanted to go pay my summons to the local council, but they are so blessed. Turns out today is another holiday for them since last week it was supposed to be a leave and it was a public holiday as well, so they get a replacement today. I wish my company would do that. =) Sigh... have to find a day next week to go pay, I most certainly do not like to be in debt. As it is, this month I'm broke again. Wonder how people save their money? It seems like I can't maintain my carefree (hehe... money wise) lifestyle and save at the same time and yet other's seem to be able to do it. They can spend and spend like there's no tomorrow and yet they have loads for tomorrow.

There must surely be some kinda trick to it. Hmm... they should go into show biz. I'm pretty sure will be much better than David Copperfield. Wana go watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith with my girlfriend but really bad luck, no more tickets. How leh? I think I better sleep at home (or rather... Diablo 2!!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give your life to Jesus and you will see His blessing pouring out from Heaven

11 June, 2005 21:04  
Blogger Unknown said...

Save first spend later :)

13 June, 2005 16:01  
Blogger Sok Chuan said...

I give my life to Jesus. His blessing is pouring out from Heaven. It is not necessary in term of financial but much more valuable blessing such as peace and rest in mind. But sometimes I just miss it. Hehe.

24 June, 2005 08:27  

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