Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Hmm... my sis' finally going. Wonder what it will be like without her wit and humour around, without her fast pace killer response to my comments. Sure will be quiet around here, yesssiree. Next Tuesday would be her departure rate. The exchange rate is still quite a killer. Too bad this bro of hers is not discipline enough to afford going with her =p. Aiming for her graduation, that means a cool 20 grand for the whole package. That's in three years time from now. Okay okay, I know it won't take that much, but I just want to be safe. Aim more, have more, better insurance, hehehe. If got extra then can use to buy x50v =) or it's descendants.

Interesting news recently. Another friend leaving my old job avenue. Going for fresher pastures, literally. Well, the job scope might get rather mundane and regular after a while, but then again I think most jobs are like that. Unless one works in some R&D outfit (true blue R&D, not commercialised ;-) ) all other jobs have long term aims at stability which in turn directly affects profitability. Low maintenance, less expenses. However, it is good to have some changes occasionally. Another plus point for my friend is to be closer to someone special. Go Lau Ban! Have a good trip.

A separate friend from the same street going to get married soon!! Wish you all the best Sharkie!! Whew... sure is putting a lot of pressure on me, if my girlfriend hears of it.

Luckily for me, she's not really the wana get married soon soon soon kind of person. Want's to work at her career first....... hehehe.. doing research. Who knows, she may be the next Marie or Pasteur. I encourage her as much as I can and let her choose her own path in life. If we are meant to be together, our paths will cross and overlap on it's own. Just ride it out babeh....


Blogger Pink Lady said...

wooh ... u've got some SPAM

24 August, 2005 19:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many spams... I though it was comments b4 i started readind it. hehehe!
What's x50v ???
Dun worry about ur sis! And u still can humour around in ur working place right! So that other collegues will hv good time developng! :)

Wish Happy spending ur time with ur sis during ur this weekend holidays. :)

25 August, 2005 15:54  
Blogger CodeOfMine said...

Yeah, SPAM (the edible kind) is great but not this kind =p

02 September, 2005 09:33  

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