Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Challenge thyself ...

... to something ye ain't ever done before and ye shall reap bountiful.

Or so I would like to think. This time it's a real challenge. Well... I feel this time it will be different. My entire life, I've always been so super positive until I fell a long long distance. Then I became the opposite. This time, I believe I've learnt a great lesson which will always temper my extremes and remind me to be moderate. No doubt I have much more to learn but I am very thankful that in all aspects of my life, I've always been lucky to be given many many chances to learn and to grow. Given many opportunities to learn about a great many things ranging from those philosophical in nature to more pragmatic issues of our daily life.

Recently many things have been happening around me. I only wish I could have done more if I had grown up faster, earlier and be able to do the things I wish I could. However, I am not going to sit here and let regret pull me down. That has never been my nature. ;-) Just that there are other factors which pull me down, slow my growth but not regret. Yes I do regret, but I do not let it bog me down. Well, there are some who will definitely disagree with me but I believe what I say is true. Just that I have a very very big mouth which likes to complain... a lot... loudly... constantly... annoyingly. =)

Another day in my life. Life goes on as usual.


Blogger SampahMan said...

I think I know what you're referring to, although I am just guessing, since you last mentioned it during our last meeting.

Anyway, knowing you, you'll bounce back stronger than ever, and what is life without making a few mistakes :)


15 February, 2006 01:26  

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